Monday, March 9, 2009

March 2009 Featured Artist - Andrea Agnes Bodi

Andrea Agnes Bodi

I grew up in north-west Transylvania, in a family of mixed nationality. My father came from a traditionalist Hungarian Transylvanian family, my mother from a west Romanian one, from the Vrancea mountains in east Romania. My paternal grandfather raised and educated me from childhood to college. He was a master of church art, he left behind a lifework of 64 churches all over in Transylvania. He was the main influence in my life. As a little girl he took me with him to his work sites, where I familiarized with the environment of painting. But as I grew up I chose a different path in life, so I earned a BA in Sociology which is followed now with a MA in Event planning and Protocol in Budapest. I do drawing and painting as a self-taught. I carry influences from traditional peasant elements to naïve religious elements, and abstract form play. I am trying to reflect on the two dimensioned space impressionist emotions, play of light and subtle expressions of thoughts.

Here is a link to the artists personal blog, to view or purchase her other works: